Unimate Black
The Coffee Killer
Product Profile

Unimate Black
Unimate Black’s proprietary yerba mate extract is a superior way to get the benefits of coffee – including the flavor -without its drawbacks.
Unimate helps make great days the rule, not the exception.
Coffee ranks only slightly below water as the most consumed beverage in the world—over 1 billion people drink it daily. With its energizing effects and variety of flavors, it’s not hard to see why drinking it has become a comforting routine for many.
However, coffee can lead to jitters and energy crashes. Many add sugar and creams, which adds up to a lot of extra carbs every day. Low-quality coffee can be filled with impurities and pesticides.
That’s where Unimate Black is different. Native to the biodiverse subtropical regions of South America, yerba mate has been consumed in community rituals for hundreds of years. Yerba mate’s adaptogenic nature helps your body do just that—adapt to external stressors. Yerba mate has evolved to be naturally rich in antioxidants, saponins, and other nutrients. It has been raditionally used to support mental clarity, endurance, appetite control, focus, and an improved mood.*
Unimate Black contains a proprietary yerba mate extract that supercharges those beneficial effects. With its delightfully drinkable blend of black tea and rich coffee flavors, Unimate Black could become your new beverage of choice for productive mornings and alert afternoons. With naturally-occurring caffeine and up to 10 times the amount of chlorogenic acid (the feel-good, “get-up-and-go” component) found in a premium cup of coffee, Unimate Black boosts the mood and supports mental stamina, focus, and motivation.*
Choose Unimate, and choose to feel great.
• People looking for an alternative to coffee that doesn’t cause jitters or energy crashes
• Individuals wanting to fend off cravings and re-energize between meals
• Those looking to support metabolic health
• Individuals on a low-carb or keto friendly diet
• Those looking to support their focus and improve their mood
• People who want to avoid an afternoon energy crash
• Anyone looking to boost their stamina for workouts

• Mix one packet with 8–10 oz. (250-300 mL) of hot or cold water (add more or less to taste).
• Use once daily, or as desired.

Green yerba mate leaf
– Chlorogenic Acids:
Chlorogenic acids are polyphenol compounds found in plants and seeds, such as yerba mate, green coffee beans, and tea. Chlorogenic acids have significant biological effects on the body, including supporting healthy brain function and promoting an improved mood.– Mate Saponins:
Mate saponins are a class of molecules that are specific to the yerba mate plant. Mate saponins support metabolic flexibility.– Theobromine:
Theobromine is a molecule that contains a structure similar to caffeine. It is perhaps best known as the mood-boosting molecule found in high-quality chocolate. Theobromine promotes feelings of calm, improves focus, and reduces mental fatigue.

How much caffeine is in one serving of Unimate Black?
Unimate Black has about as much caffeine as one cup of premium coffee. However, since natural ingredients can have some variation, the caffeine amount is not standardized.
Can I take Unimate Black with Unicity Matcha?
Since both products do contain caffeine, we recommend you consider your caffeine intake and timing prior to consuming both together.
Is Unimate Black compatible with ketogenic or other low-carb diets?
Yes. Unimate black contains no added sugars and has 3 net carbs. So it is low carb and keto friendly.
How is this product different from Unicity Matcha?
Aside from taste, these products differ in the types of energy they provide. Unicity Matcha supports physical energy, while Unimate Black supports mental energy. Matcha increases the amount of energy (ATP) produced, resulting in more cellular energy. Unimate promotes an improved mood, a sense of well-being, and promotes the feeling that you can accomplish anything. Additionally, since Unimate also enhances ketone production, ketones can provide energy as well.
How is Unimate Black different from BioReishi Coffee or BioReishi FX?
Unimate Black is a yerba mate drink with natural coffee and tea flavors, while BioReishi is a coffee product made with a base of coffee. BioReishi also contains reishi mushrooms to provide immune support, whereas Unimate Black gets most of its benefits from yerba mate. Both are great options to start your day with delicious coffee flavor and an energy boost.
Is Unimate Black safe for women who are pregnant or nursing ? Can kids use Unimate Black?
Due to its naturally occurring caffeine content, we recommend anyone concerned with any level of caffeine consult with their health care provider before using Unimate Black.
Is yerba mate an adaptogen? What does adaptogenic mean?
Yes. Yerba mate is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are plants that help the body adapt and respond to a myriad of stressors thanks to the way they’ve evolved to survive and thrive in harsh environments. Ultimately resulting in an herb capable of helping support the body’s normal healthy recovery process.